Doubles IQ
This Doubles IQ is based primarily on court positioning and shot selection. I developed this quiz to assist interns, new coaches and established Pros with their overall knowledge of doubles. Also, these questions will benefit league teams with doubles tactics. When you play smarter you will win more and have more fun!
- When you return serve how far left or right should you stand?
- Your partner is serving. How far from the net should you stand?
- Your partner is returning serve. Where should you stand? Why?
- Your team is returning serve and playing one up one back. Your partner returns the ball past the net player. Where should you go?
- Your team is at the net, and your opponents at the baseline. You just volleyed the ball down the line. How far should you and your partner be from the net?
- What are advantages and disadvantages of playing one up one back?
- Your team is facing an excellent server. Most returns you’ve gotten back have been aggressively volleyed and won by the server’s partner. What should you do?
- What are three reasons you would play Australian doubles (serving team lined-up on the same side)?
- You and your partner are both at the baseline and you are about to hit the next shot. Who on your team should decide to approach the net or stay back at baseline? Why?
- You have decided to poach. At what point in time should you move?
- You have decided to serve and volley. Describe your forward movement and how far from the net should you be for your first volley?
- With shots inside the service line, excluding overheads, generally what type of spin should you hit?
- Your opponents are at the net, and your team is one up one back. The ball comes to you at the baseline. Where are your first and second best shots? Why?
- Your opponents are at the net, and your team is approaching the net. Where is your best approach shot? Why?
- Your team is at the net and your opponents are one up, one back. Your partner has to volley a low ball at his feet. Where should he hit this shot? Same positions different point; if he can attack a high ball where should he hit it?
- When your team moves to the net your deep approach shots result in very good lobs from your opponents. What other approach shot should you try?
- You and your partner are right-handed and at the net. Your partner is playing the ad court, volleyed the last ball and remains farther from the net than you. Your opponents return the ball five feet above the court and half way between you and your partner. Whose ball is it? Why?
- What is a fundamental strategy in doubles that does not apply to singles?
- It’s a sunny day, and your team wins the toss. How can you make your opponents serve their first service game into the sun?
- While the ball is in play, when can your team talk?
Doubles IQ