Some clubs and communities have amenities and want Professional staff yet do not have budgets for full-time personnel. For decades Atlantic Recreation has provided certified and insured Professionals who organize social, competitive and instructional programs on a part-time basis. This permits facilities to realize some marketing and membership benefits at a fraction of the cost.
Many clubs in the north have seasonal tennis programs for three or four months, e.g. Memorial Day to Labor Day. Our firm will do all the work to find and place a Tennis Professional, who you approve, then supervise, support and pay the Pro throughout the season. Basically, Atlantic Recreation does all the work, yet the facility gets a team of Professionals and library of programs for the same price as it would cost to hire just one person.
Numerous clubs focus on their priorities – golf and food and beverage. Atlantic Recreation is a tremendous resource for diverse racquet sports and wellness programs. From pre-opening, equipment procurement to center management we can do one or all the important steps in developing and operating amenities. The scope and length of our work is up to the club. From part-time staffing, seasonal programs to year-round operations, through the years we have served many facilities in various ways.