Meet the President

Christopher Hagman is founder and President of Atlantic Recreation. “I bring a diverse business background, truly care about people and have an other-centered approach. These qualities serve the hospitality industry well. My background in racquet sports and wellness plus amenity courts can benefit facilities in several ways.”

Chris is a triple certified Fitness, Pickleball and Tennis Professional. He has worked as an Activities and Fitness and Tennis Director. Chris has decades of experience in amenity operations and providing social, competitive and instructional programs. He has assisted numerous facilities with building and improving recreational courts. An avid writer, many of his instructional articles have been published in magazines and blogs. He has personally recruited, hired and trained over 200 Professionals for leisure services. Many of these Professionals he brought into the industry or nurtured and now are Directors. Since 1991 his team has served numerous country clubs and residential communities in various roles.

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