Value Tennis Operations

Take your tennis program to the next level with professional services from Atlantic Recreation. Our sports firm has managed seasonal and year-round tennis programs for county clubs, destination resorts and residential communities.

Professional Recruitment

tennisWe have a much better way of hiring a first-rate Tennis Professional than placing an ad and using a volunteer committee. Our company is very active and connected in tennis. We already know many of the best Professionals, literally recruit stellar Pros and perform national searches for a short list of outstanding candidates. We do 90% of the work then you make the final decision. Since 1991 our firm has hired, trained and placed more than 150 Tennis Professionals. Do you need someone immediately or short-term? We can help and even place interim staff.

Program Evaluations

Let us work with you to make your current tennis program much better. We provide brief to thorough operational reviews that give you candid feedback on marketing, staff, expenditures and formats. Are your internal operations aligned with your external marketing? This is important for an innovative campaign to more members.

Tennis Consulting

Schedule a consultation for anything you want about tennis. We provide on-site and telephone consulting with veteran Tennis Directors who have decades of experience in playing, teaching and operations. Further, we deliver tennis trends that serve individuals and facilities.

Contact us today for a service ace!